As the Government's go-to agency in the Hunter and Central Coast regions, HCCDC plays a key role in delivering significant and complex projects that establish sustained growth and development. To achieve this, HCCDC works in partnership with local councils and stakeholders to deliver outcomes that benefit and enhance communities.
HCCDC's project teams lead challenging projects that require specialised skills and experience. Often these projects are long term, such as the Honeysuckle urban renewal project and the remediation of the former BHP Steelworks sites in Mayfield and Kooragang Island.
Other high-profile projects help to deliver key NSW Government commitments, such as the $650 million Revitalising Newcastle program to create a vibrant and active Newcastle city centre, connected to better transport.
All projects focus on creating thriving and vibrant regions with dynamic metropolitan cities at their heart, and we're proud to play a significant role in the government's delivery of this vision.